“What A Year!”

So it's been a year since my floral store opened it's doors to the public and 'what a year it has been!'

If someone had said to me some three, four years ago that I'd be a full-time Florist and Event Stylist and run my very own flower shop, I'd have called for the men in white coats on their behalf. Craziness! Total and utter craziness!
But what's even more crazy is that looking at me now, I can't picture myself doing anything else.

Go figure?

Don't get me wrong. It has by far been one of, if not the toughest year of my life. To be brutally honest and I'm just going be truthful and say it... I have never faced economic deprivation the way I have this last year. It has been a struggle, let me tell you! Don't be fooled by the gram and the farsebook (sorry I mean Instagram and Facebook). Ofcourse you all see the shiny side of the coin facing upwards as you pass by, but what you don't see is the underside, you know, the side face down in the mud, struggling to see the light of day. At times it's been lonely, gruelling, painstaking, tiring, nerve-wracking, emotional, tearful even. I sometimes feel like no-one understands, no-one sees, no-one appreciates the long hours, the cost, the pressure, the sleepless nights, the worry. I know some of you do, but I'm talking about 'the feeling'. That feeling when everyone else is in bed and I'm alone working through the night. When I see the lights at Topman Barbers go off, who are directly opposite my shop and I realise it's 10pm, or I'm too scared to go to sleep because I don't want to oversleep and miss extremely early morning deliveries. Oh my life! I should be completely grey by now (lol). I guess it's the nature of the beast as they say and simply comes with the territory. I'm often told the first year of business for anyone is a battle; one that some win, some lose. I definitely don't consider myself a loser, even though I have lost. I have made mistakes, misjudged, binned perished stock on numerous occasions, so I have surely lost some.
I have even lost count of the times I've been curiously asked "So how's business?" My robotic responses are always the same "Oh you know... up and down". However, as predictive as my answer is each time, it is honest. It truly has been and still is a roller coaster ride, but definitely not one I want to get off just yet. Those who know me, know there's no ride too scary for me, no challenge that I easily back away from, so this is no different. Even though I've lost some, I've gained soooooo much more. The skills I've developed and shared, the business I've grown, the marketing I've managed, the gems I’ve created, the friends I've made, the hearts I've touched, the minds I've blown, the places I've been, the things I've experienced, the opportunities I've had, the journey...
There's just no way to put it all into words. Farsebook and the gram don't know the half. Let's face it. I just can't keep up with them anyway, even though I do try and God loves a trier! (lol)
So I'm still here, still doing me. Any regrets? Maybe some, but none to do with starting my business, apart from wishing that I had the courage to start it sooner. I won't bore you with the rest just now.

Before I do a quick Q&A, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU  to all of you that have kindly come along for the ride with me. Those who have purchased from me, referred me on, collaborated with me, worked with me, reviewed me, posted or shared posts about me, promoted me, interviewed me, spent time with me, nominated and voted for me, poured into me, invested in me, prayed for me, encouraged me, continue to believe in me and love me... my journey is yours and overall so far has been made all the more fruitful and joyous because of YOU. So from my heart to yours, I love and truly appreciate you all ❤

Question Time...

Q  What was you happiest moment inside FGUK?

A  There's been quite a few I think, like when I had my launch a year ago with all my loved ones there, or when I hosted afternoon tea for a bunch of ladies who had not been together since lockdown. But I think the happiest was when I first had my grass floor fitted and I took off my shoes, wiggled the blades of grass between my toes, looked around at my flowers and said "You go Mica"

Q  What was your saddest moment?

A I love arranging flowers. They evoke happiness, joy, all those good vibes and is a therapeutic exercise for me. But it's always bitterly sad when individuals, couples and families come in to discuss funeral flowers. It can get quite intense and awfully heartbreaking. It's the part I dread the most but the part I pour my heart into the most. I have to make sure that the last thing they do for their loved ones is the best thing. I see it as my duty.

Q.  What has been your funniest moment?

A.  When I was invited as a VIP guest for the Women's Cycling Tour having arranged both the awards and podium flowers. I had the honour of meeting the Mayoress and my mom took a picture of us. After the Mayoress left, I took my phone from my mom to look at the picture. It was not there. I don't know what she pressed but it definitely wasn't the huge white circle on the screen (lol).

Q.  What has been the most difficult part of running the business?

A.  Tax returns (lol) No I'd say running the business full stop. It's just hard! It's not easy but it's been so rewarding. I would never discourage anyone from being an entrepreneur, pursuing their dream and taking a chance on themselves. I've learnt so much about business, so much about myself. It is constantly a learning experience.

Q.  What has been your biggest challenge?

A.  Again there's so many situations I could identify, but mainly I'd say managing me and my time. Finding that balance. It's hard for me to tell people 'no '. I feel heartless. I sometimes come in on my day off because it's important to me, to not let people down. I'd rather lose sleep, overwork myself, sacrifice personal time than do that. It's not realistic or sustainable though. What I'm learning is that I have to know when to stop, when to say no to the business and yes to me.

Q.  What has been your biggest take away?

A.  Networking is the key to success. No man is an island. I have been doing most things alone, my beautiful family step in to support on big jobs and why I call this a family business, but largely it's me, myself and I. My advice would be, don't ever be too afraid to reach out, ask others for advice or help (I'm still learning this). The experiences and opportunities you can gain from networking is truly what drives the vehicle towards success. Surround yourself with like-minded, hungry, driven individuals and those who sincerely want the best for you.
That in itself is invaluable.

Q&A over and out!


“Natural flowers… Natural choice?”